
Posted By: IT JUNGAL - 00:37:00
Creating 3D animations, a virtual world with your own characters and heroes! Cinema4D can offer you that possibility. This program is very useful for professionals, to create a high-end 3D animation. 
Key Features
Customizing animations becomes easier with Cinema4D, such as adding hair or fur to characters, lighting fields, processing volume and polygon reduction tools, management shadows and transparencies. Since this software has been designed for the production of films for television, advertising, science, architecture and other fields, Cinema4D can provide users with professional looking results. This applies to packaging, architecture and 3D modeling. Cinema4D supports the following formats: 3D Studio, BVH Biovision / BVA, DEM, DXF, Direct 3D, FBX, Lightwave, Monzoom, Quickdraw 3D, STL, Shockwave 3D, UZR, VMRL, Wavefront OBJ, TIFF, BodyPaint 3D Targa TGA, BMP, PICT, IFF, JPEG, RLA, RPF, SGI, PNG, JP2, QuickTime, AVI, After Effects, Final Cut.

System requirements
·         Operating Systems: Windows 7 (64 bit) 8 and 10
·         Memory: 512MB of RAM.
·         Processor: 2.0 GHz.

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